Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I went to the County Clerk's office and got my DBA , so now I am "officially" Friskybiznus Ferret Foster Home and Adoption ! Next step is to write out my mission statement and a business plan of some sort (including a budget, LOL!). Luckily, Keith made me write out a ferret budget a couple of months ago. Boy, it that an eye-opener. I spend a lot of money on paper towels!!!
A note of thanks to all of my friends who are rooting for me and being so supportive!!! You rock!
In other news --- everyone is doing just fine. The Duck Soup dilemma seems to have passed and we are all eating it with enthusiasm, except poor Ziggy, who just can't quite eat his DS without my intervention. Usually, one he gets going, he eats it up...but it takes some real encouragement. He's no longer a baby anymore, our Ziggy, having lost the last of any "baby fat and fluff". Now he is as sleek and graceful as Rocky. It's weird.
Milo, the baby, is now the goofy, clumsy one and bigger than any of the others. His personality is so much like Ziggy's, it's uncanny. And we are always calling each of then by the other's name!
We all still miss Cupid so very much. It is a bittersweet feeling to see Dave sleeping in the sock nest alone...oh, writing this will make me cry.
That's it. Mother's Day was lovely and I am blessed to be called "Mom" by two amazing sons and five little fuzzbutts!


  1. I think the worst part of losing a ferret is seeing the change in the other ferrets. When Yew passed away, Pixie guarded all his things. She wouldn't allow Yogi to eat out of the bowl that had been Yew's; he couldn't play with any toy that Yew had played with. And Yogi couldn't sleep with Pixie for the longest time.
    Gradually, Yew's scent faded and Pixie graciously allowed The Twins to use Yew's old things and snuggle up with her, but occasionally, I'll see Pixie get that same old look about her, and I know she's thinking of him. It gets me crying every time.

    But yay, for your rescue and shelter. When you get up and running, you're gonna have to make a separate blog or site for it, and I'll pimp it where ever I know educated and knowledgeable potential ferrents might be :)

    Whee! YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [couldn't help myself. sorry]

  2. Well done on getting your DBA- it's all coming together!

    I was sad when I read about Dave. As Sunny said, it seems ferrets never forget their old friends. Both of you give Dave and Pixie lots of hugs. Maybe they see their fuzzy freinds in their dreams, I am sure they do.

    I sometimes dream of my cats from my childhood, and it's so real. I know one day we'll all be reuinted again.

    Any more news on Snow? I bet he'd fit in wonderfully! He looks adorable!

  3. Oops, sorry about the typos I made in my enthusiasm!

  4. Aw, Sunny, what a sad story about Yew and Yogi...sigh...poor babies...I'm hoping Snow is still at the rescue. I'm going to see about getting him over Memorial Day weekend because I have a four day weekend! I'll keep everyone posted!
    Thanks again, Sunny and Tanya -- you guys are the coolest!

  5. omg im so sorry it took me so long to comment on this!! This is amazinggggg, its def a goal in life for me!!! I'm envious, congrats



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