Saturday, July 11, 2009


All is quiet on the (south) western front. My days are packed with ferret play, ferret cleaning, ferret feeding, ferret squabbles, ferrets-being-adorable, ferret medicating, ferret calendar-making, ferret bedding sewing and washing........It's definitely become my life! And I'm having a great time!

I've made some very cool friends and I am learning so much. And I love being involved. A week from Monday, we are going to a local library to do a presentation about ferrets and I'm really looking forward to it. Usually I can't attend these library functions because they are during the day on the weekdays, so I am working. Luckily, Monday is my day off, so I can finally go!

Snow is becoming more and more social and his little personality is starting to peek through. Last night he decided he would stay under the bed and not come out for his Duck Soup and meds. Just like a two-year-old! I had to bribe him with the bowl of soup to get him out from under there.

He and Ziggy, unfortunately, are probably never going to be friends. It's a shame, but what do you do? I've come to accept the fact that, yes, there will be an occasional squabble between these two and I just do my best to diffuse the situation (meaning, Ziggy usually goes in ten-minute time outs). The time-outs are effective, by the way. Ziggy is smart enough to understand that he needs to behave and he does! So in that way, I'm proud of him. I'm trying to give him a few extra lovies, just to let him know he doesn't need to worry about anything. And, yes, Snow gets those extra lovies, too!

All the other furrkids are great. Milo, my little pet store rescue, who was way underweight and had coccidia when I brought him home is now a whopping 3.08 lbs.! Dave comes in second at 2 lbs - somethin' -- can't remember exactly.

Anyway, that's it....

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