Saturday, July 25, 2009


I've been letting my foster,Misty, play with my boys the past couple of days and she seems to be getting along really well. She likes to rough-house (guess she's a tom-ferret) which Milo loves! We've really taken to her -- despite her biting thing -- she is so charming and funny. She also shows a sweetness that is so endearing. Not being a ferret psychologist, I can't say why she nips. Sometimes I really think she is just trying to play. I dunno.

I agreed to not ask to adopt any of my fosters and I want to honor that. Misty is a special case though. Would Dana consider letting us give Misty her Forever Home? I'm not sure.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thought I'd drop in to let you know I'm back, but now I gotta go catch up on all your posts that I missed!



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