Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Snow went back to the vet yesterday to be rechecked - he's been on his medicines for about a week now. It was great news! He went down from a Stage 5 (Stage 6 is the worst) heart murmur to a Stage 2-3. So the meds seem to be working and he is being a bit more bouncy these past few days. A huge relief!

I also had Dave E. Bear and Snow's glucoses checked. They both read 71, which is in a gray area. Dr. Dori said we will watch it and to recheck in 6 weeks. Dave shows no symptoms of insulinoma. Snow is teeth grinding and itchy. And his breath is foul ! OMG.

I decided to keep Snow in his own "apartment" and let George share with him. Ziggy is much better around Snow, but every now and then still gets a wild hair and decides to go after him. I don't want Snow to be stressed out and unhappy, so keeping him in his own cage is the best solution. I'm putting George in with Snow because they seem to have bonded and I want Snow to have a BFFF (Best Forever Ferret Friend).

I also made one of our small travel/medical cages into Ziggy Jail. Instead of being put up in his regular cage when he misbehaves, he gets put in this cage for 10 minutes. Hopefully, it will help get the message across that picking on others is not OK!

My little foster girls are doing great and I'm crazy in love with them. I'm way overdue for posting pics. I'll get to it soon. Adoptions are slow, I guess due to the economy being bad. I'm in no hurry, though. They are just adorable!

1 comment:

  1. I was sorry to hear about Snow. I'm glad his readings have gone down following his medication though. Fingers crossed for the glucose readings next time. Give him lots of hugs from me, and to the rest of the gang.That's quite some fuzzy family you have now!

    I'm pleased Snow is becoming good pals with George. I can just see them snuggled up together, awww!

    My boys are cuddled up together in the hammock. They have not been enjoying the 33 degree heat here. They don't want to play for so long, and get tired out quicker. They seem to enjoy the cool breeze of the fan that's on, which makes them more comfortable.

    Can't wait to see pictures of the girls. Have you introduced them to the boys yet?



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