Monday, July 20, 2009


We adopted out two of my fosters, Vestia and Oreo, this past Saturday. They both went together to the same home, so that was really cool. And I brought home three more! These are a bonded triplicate: Smokey, Baby and Angel. They are all very sweet and mellow. (pics soon!)I think little Misty might be confused about where her girlfriends went, but I think she remembers the new three from the rescue. So it's good.

I ended up making two cages into one big one for the Three (I have this thing about spoiling them). And I moved Misty up to a top level from a bottom one, because she loves to dig her food and the top is easier to clean!

Today was long...Snow got his distemper shot (scarey) and them I took George, Rocky and Milo to a library program for kids with HAFA. Snow did fine with his shot and the library program was really fun. Cute kids and cute fuzzy animals just go together!

Kudos to my friends Jimi and Gail (left photo). They work so hard at these library programs. They pour their hearts into them! Very cool!


  1. awww I was holding out for Oreo. I will miss her photos!



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