Saturday, August 22, 2009


All is quiet on the ferret front. My foster girl, Misty, seems to have stepped in and made herself right at home. She has become George's friend and my special little buddy. She seems to have adopted us, if that makes any sense. I never expected just has happened that way. She's so happy romping with the boys (she's a tomboy ferret), and hates having to stay in the foster room.

It seems natural that we become her forever home, but I don't know what Dana will say. I called and left a message telling her I want to talk to her about Misty. We shall see what she says.

Dave is loving the fact that he is getting Duck Soup two times a day now, with his prednisone. He thinks he's died and gone to heaven! George manages to sneak in a few licks from Dave's bowl, too.

Well, that's all going on at the moment. Until next time....
Dooks and Dances!

1 comment:

  1. Ferrets do have a mind of their own, don't they? *g*

    I'll be over here hoping that your convo [did I really just use that term? >ugh<] w/Dana goes well; good luck!



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