Friday, January 29, 2010


So I went to the Houston SPCA tonight after I got off from work. I wanted to see this little ferret, Buddy, they've had posted on the website since December. Plus everybody on Facebook is like, "Yeah! Get him! Go for it!". I love my ferret friends....

Anyway, I went, but they couldn't find him. No ferret anywhere. So that means he was probably adopted out and someone didn't update their computer. So, hopefully, he has a forever home and is happy -- that's all I care about.

Weird story, but there was another black & white sable on Craigslist by the name of Buddy someone was trying to rehome. That posting was removed, so I'm assuming he was adopted too.

So...good news for two black & white ferrets named Buddy.

I have created playgroups for my hopes to diffuse some of the bickering and rumbling that is going on --- and attempting to avoid anymore partial scalpings. So far, it's working well. Ziggy and Milo don't have to get all worried and anxious and go aggresive on me; and the others can relax and play alittle bit without having to outrun Milo!

I'm hoping this will help socialize Smokey, too. He's one of my former foster fuzzies (now adopted by me) and cage-mate to Angel, my adrenal girl. Smokey doesn't care for other ferrets, except for Angel and Baby. And he is very protective of them. He can get a little pissy with other ferrets and tends to run back into his cage when they are out. I'm hoping that, in time, Smokey will become the caregiver to all his playgroup friends and get over his insecurity.

Well, time to wrangle them all up and get to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! At least you know that you did everything you could for Buddy. We'll just hope that a knowledgeable ferrent went and picked him up.

    Also, I didn't realize Smokey was such a loner! Aww, poor Smokey (is he in Misty's Superpinks?). Hopefully, the Wildcats won't turn into a band of roaming marauders and terrorize all the innocent souls in your house, either!



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