Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Oh the drama. Rocky went missing last Sunday night. I went to put everyone to bed around 11:30 and couldn't find him anywhere. Ended up waking up hubby and we both began to tear the house apart searching for him. He was nowhere in the house. We thought back and realized I'd seen him last around 8:30 when he was helping me do the dishes and we played a bit in his pirate ship. I expected after that, he went to snooze in the Hidey Hole or his hammock under our bed.

Hubby remembers coming in about that time and opening the door that leads to our garage. Our garage door was also open. Could he have slipped out then?

We were out looking for him at 2 AM and I was hanging up "Lost Ferret" signs and posting on craigslist at 3 AM. I was in shock, felt like I was going to pass out, throw up - the whole bit. Harsh words between hubby and I added to the already nightmarish situation (we were both really scared).

I didn't really sleep; laid there, dreaming half-awake. Later on, Monday morning, I thought I'd just dreamed I'd lost him. But then the cruel realization hit me that it was indeed so. No Rocky came trotting in the kitchen to beg for treats. No Rocky running in-between my feet trying to trip me. No Rocky.

I was in total shut-down, sobbing hysterically all day Monday. I had a false alarm when someone posted on craigslist that they'd rescued a ferret the same night I lost Rocky. I contacted her, and it wasn't anywhere near where I live -- it wasn't my baby.

I was freaking out because of the heat and the dogs and the fact that little ferrets can't survive long on their own in this big world. I wondered if he missed me as much as I missed him. I put out a carrier, food, water and Ferratone for him. I even put ferret poo in the garden, praying he'd catch the scent and come back.

In the evening on Monday, my husband, son and I went out looking again. I was headed toward some bushes at a house when I looked up and noticed a car that pulled up to one of my signs. The lady was dialing her cell phone. I ran up to her car. "Did you find a ferret?," I asked. "Yes, I did", she said and she pointed to Rocky's picture and said, "That's him!"

Needless to say I about peed myself and jumped in her car (no pee in her car) and she took me to her house, which was about five houses down and across the street. There was Rocky, hiding under her shed. She noticed him peeking out at her while she was mowing.

He was a bit dirty, tired, hungry and thirsty and scared. Otherwise, unharmed. I am soooo grateful. I really didn't think we'd ever find him. It's so hot, no one is outside. He would have been so easy to miss.

I had prayers and postive, loving wishes from people all over the world. It is all of that outpouring of love that helped bring Rocky home to me. I believe that with all my heart. I am just overwhelmed with the power behind all of the energy that went out to us. Thank you, a million times over.

As for the lady who found my guy, her name is Rachael and was very sweet and (hopefully) didn't think I was too much of a lunatic. She got a reward of my undying gratitude and $ 100. And now Rocky owes me $ 100. LOL!

It is so good to have my Mamoo back home again!


  1. That must have been so horrible and scary for you. I'm so glad Rocky was found. You prayers must have been answered.

    Give him and the others big hugs from me and my boys!

  2. Oh boy Susan ... I think these occasions are how we ferret owners end up with lots of white sprinkled about our hair!

    What an awful experience and I am SO glad that it all turned out well and you got Rocky back safe and sound!

    You give him a big hug from us all and tell him not to go walkabout again -- LOL - as if he'll listen!! :)



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