Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Vestia - about 1 year old

Oreo - approx. 2 years old
Misty - about 3-4 years old

These are my little foster fuzzies - my girls. I adore them! Each has her own unique personality. Vestia is one we call, "The Baby". She loves to play, especially in the tunnel and rice box, and she hops like a little bunny. She's very lovie and social. Beautiful blaze markings, too. Of course, I'm attached to her. Of course.

Oreo is older and I honestly don't know if she will ever find a Forever Home because of her age. That's more than OK with me, because I have fallen in love with her. She is so mellow and affectionate. She gives the best kisses ever! Oreo is a perfect name for her because her markings are like Cookies & Cream ice cream! Oreo is very petite and girly. She loves her Princess Hammock I sewed for her! Correction: I found out Oreo was only two years old, not five. Thought she looked good for her age!! LOL!

Misty is one we affectionately call, "Cubra Cabre". She has a slight, er, biting issue. She doesn't bite me, but she bites my husband. Haha...can't help it, it's kind of funny. I totally love her. She is very assertive with my boys. When they come up to the barrier, she turns around and shows them her backside!! It's hysterical!!

My little Snow is doing great -- he has plenty of energy and a good appetite. He loves to play in the Walmart sacks. He's going to get a distemper shot in a couple of weeks, which concerns me. But it's important he stay immunized because of his condition.
I've been busy putting together a calendar for the Rescue so we can sell it for fundraising. It's been a bit of a job, but I've had a good time doing it. We are already starting to make plans for the big Pet Fest we have in the fall. The theme is Western and Rocky has already ordered his cowboy hat and bandana!


  1. Your girls are absolutely gorgeous, Susan. Please give them - and all the other ferrets in your house - a big hug from their pals down under :)

  2. Thanks, Nona! Consider them hugged Aussie style and please do the same with your little ones -- give em a big ole Texas hug!!

  3. They are so beautiful and sound adorable. Please give them and your boys hugs from me and my boys.

    I'm glad to hear Snow is doing well. You have to take photos at the Pet Fest. I bet they will all look sweet in their outfits!

    Are you going to sell the calendar online too? If so, I'd love to get one. :-)

  4. Hi Tanya!

    Thanks for the message and I will pass on the hugs! (We love hugs!) Please do the same for us!

    Yes, Pet Fest is a fun time and I will definitely be taking photos. I'm going to try to get photos of my fuzzies in their cowboy garb before then, but will need to get my hubby to help me!! They aren't crazy about clothing! LOL!

    Yes, I do believe the calendar will be sold on our Rescue's website. I'll let you know when they are done! Thank you!

    Have a great day!



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