Friday, August 28, 2009


So, I'm a believer in the mystical. I believe there is some greater power out there, whatever one chooses to call it. I believe in spirits and angels. And I believe that, if I open my ears and eyes, the Universe touches me every day. Maybe it's something I hear in a conversation. Maybe it's a penny I find when I'm feeling broke.

Yesterday, God touched me by leaving me the gift of a feather.

It wasn't any old feather. It was a white one with a thin edge of black and it seemed to be stratigically placed in my path that led next to the garden where Cupid and Snow are buried. Now. Both of my little ferrets that I recently lost were white. Cupid was a dark-eyed white with just a touch of silver. Snow was a true albino ferret.

So, for me, finding this pretty little feather, so perfect and so perfectly placed, was like finding a letter from my two fuzzies from across the Rainbow Bridge. "Dear Mom, we are fine. We love you. Look! We have wings now!"

I placed the feather in a spot where I keep Cupid and Snow's photos. And I believe.

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