Saturday, November 14, 2009


Gee Whiz, has it really been two months since I've written here? OMG, don't know where the time goes...

Well, let's see, that last time I wrote, Misty had just been adopted and graduated to the Big Cage with the boys. Things are going well between them ~ even Misty and Ziggy are getting along for the most part. Misty still likes to show everyone that she is the boss by pooping wherever she pleases; like, say, the middle of the living room floor...But we are working on it. The thing about picking a ferret up when they are in the middle of "doing their business", is that they don't STOP doing their business and you wind up with a trail of business all the way from the original poop spot to the potty pad...not fun.

And while I am talking about Misty -- she had a growth on her back foot. I think it is called a sebaceous adenoma, which is a benign growth that can get pretty nasty. I had it removed last Wednesday and everything was fine. Then on Thursday night she came to me wih blood all over her. I'm not kidding, she was covered. Needless to say, I freaked. I grabbed her up and saw that she'd somehow knocked the scab off the surgical wound and it was bleeding like a sieve. I'm by myself (hubby is still out of town) and I'm trying to calm her and myself down, put pressure on the wound, call Dana (because I'm panicking). Now there is blood all over Misty, me, the sink, the floor. I'm thinking she is seriously going to bleed to death. Dana encouraged me to keep putting pressure on it and then when it slows down, using cornstarch. I did that and it finally stopped.

My goodness. Never a dull moment.

I have also adopted the three foster fuzzies I had: Smokey, Baby and Angel. I adopted them and immediately got Angel in to get her adrenal surgery. That was about ten days ago and she is doing fabulously. She is busy as ever, prancing around like the little princess she is. Her prognosis is fair to favorable and I feel very confident about her recovery. I can't wait to see what she looks like with hair on her tail and back! :D

So currently, I have nine ferrets and no fosters. But I'm still very involved in the rescue. I struggled for a little while - things happened that caused some uncertainty on whether or not I would stay. But, it's my destiny to help these little guys out. Happily, it wll turned out for the good of all concerned.

OK, I will be better at keeping up with this blog. I love writing about my furr kids - they are always teaching me new things!

1 comment:

  1. HOLY CRUD, NINE FUZZIES? what a business [also, how do you *handle* it all?]!

    Give Misty big ol kisses and hugs - that didn't sound like a fun experience :(

    So glad to see you posting here again, I kinda missed it [fb's great, but it's not the same *g*].



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