Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Bailey spent the night in a medical cage in bed with me last night, so I could keep an eye on him. He did fine. He stayed alert and ate like a little piggy. Poos are normal, no blood from eye, ear or nose, so that's good. He was all about getting out and playing this morning, which I let him do (he is separated from Milo, of course). He loves playing with Misty and Angel, so I have them in the playroom and Milo and Ziggy are in the living room with me.

I stayed home from work today so I can keep an eye on Bailey and be able to get him to the vet if needed. He's got an open wound, which I'm cleaning with hydrogen peroxide and antibiotic ointment. He also has a big goose egg, which is the greater of my worries. Hopefully, he would have demonstrated having a more severe internal head injury by now, but I'll feel better after the 24-hour mark.

I really didn't see that the rumbles between Milo and Bailey were that bad. I'm praying it was an accident due too overzealousness on Milo's part. But I just don't know. Milo is going to be separated from Bailey for a while. After Bailey's head heals, I'll try reintroducing them under a CONTROLLED environment.

Woe is me.


  1. Holy shit, Susan. I cringed, and my heart actually hurt. Give Bailey some kisses for me and The Triad (who would be nothing but sweet to him. Promise. Or okay, make that just a kiss from Miss Pixie).

  2. Owie. :[

    I don't know but I'd leave 'em separate for good. I've experienced some bullying behavior between my boys, but never a wound like that.

    Gentle nose kisses to Bailey! Get well soon, buddy!

  3. I know, my heart hurts too. I can't quit kicking myself for letting it happen. Bailey has been incredibly resilient, though. He's like, "What's the matter mom?! Let's play!!"

    Yes, this may very well be a permanant separation. :(



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