Sunday, January 24, 2010


One thing I do is watch craigslist and the SPCA listings to just keep myself informed on the state of homeless ferrets and ferrets needing to be rehomed. OK, I hate it, but I won't get on my soapbox. I did that with my very first post. Check the archives (January 2009) if you are curious as to what I said about the evil craigslist....

Anyway, I'm looking at the Houston SPCA listings and they have one little ferret named Buddy. They don't have a photo of him and they don't state his age. He's been there since 12/8/09. All by himself. I haven't laid eyes on this little guy, but my heart is just breaking for him. The SPCA doesn't have facilities or personnel to let Buddy out of his cage for playtime. So he's been in his cage since December. And God knows what the situation was that brought him there in the first place.

Every day I look to see if Buddy's listing is still there, or if he's found a home. Every day his listing pops up. I just can't stand the thought of this little one all alone, caged....cared for I'm sure..but missing out on love and enrichment. It brings me to tears.

So I decided that if, by Friday, Buddy hasn't found a home, I'm going down there. I want to see him. Bring him home? Strongly possible. Huge risk because K. will be pissed. It's a chance I'm willing to take for the sake of this little one.

IN OTHER NEWS: Bailey went to the rescue today to visit and get his mouth swabbed for his ADV test. Poor little guy was kind of scared -- all the new smells and ferrets and people chatting. But he finally warmed up and came home all worn out. AND>>>We adopted out three ferrets today!!! That was just awesome! I am very happy!

Angel's little bruise (or whatever it is) looks a little better today. I thought it might be a mast cell tumor, but I'm really thinking it's a bruise. Still watching close. She may need a CBC to check her platelet count. She's had some bruising on her tummy a couple of weeks ago. They come and go fast, but I think it's a concern I need to take to the vet. We go Feb. 8.

That's my news for the day. It sure is quiet right now. I guess everyone's asleep. Not a bad idea...


  1. Oh, my god, I can't imagine how rambunctious and unmannered a ferret would be if they've been caged straight that long. But being willing to take him in (if he's still there)...well, you rock! And your ferts are very lucky to have you as a ferrent, that's for sure!

  2. you know, i'll be the little guy is depressed.
    ...and thanks for the love!! ((hugs))



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